Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What should I write on the card when late giving a wedding gift?

My husband and I are overdue on giving a wedding gift to our friends who got married over a year ago. I know, its terrible. But obviously we would still like to give them one especially before it gets any longer. How should we handle this situation? What should we say in the card that will be enclosed with the gift?! (We will not be delivering the gift in person, it will be mailed) Thanks for your help!!

What should I write on the card when late giving a wedding gift?
Dear friends,

We love you and we miss you terribly!!!

Here is the long over-due gift we wanted to give you when you got married. We were having financial set-backs at the time, so I hope you will forgive us.

My wish for you is that you are happy and are loving life with each other, and may God bless your union.

Reply:"Congratulations on your first anniversary. At the time of your wedding, we couldn't give you a gift, but now, at least, we can show you our love by sending you this small token."
Reply:Slip in an extra 50 and dont worry about what it says
Reply:Here is your gift. I hope you are still married!! If not, please return gift. I could use the money.
Reply:Send your congratualtons, your love and best wishes for a long wonderful life together and you hope they enjoy the gift though late. Never know it may just make their day receiving an unexpected gift.
Reply:I would just say,"Sorry this gift is late,but it will bring you many wonderful years of enjoyment,just as I pray your marriage will."

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