Monday, November 16, 2009

Whats the best gift basket you have recieved at work?

I need to put together 100 gift baskets for Christmas to give to our business clients and am wondering what are some of the best items you have found in your lunchroom? Keep in mind we are in Hawaii so no cold weather for us =o) Thanks!

Whats the best gift basket you have recieved at work?
And no alcohol. Not all business clients appreciate alcohol as a gift. As a gift basket company, I do thousands of these each year. The most popular foods are those that are easy to eat, a mixture of sweet and salty, and foods that cannot be found in your local grocery store. Gourmet means different things to different people -- it simply means "good food". If you are putting together 100 gift baskets, you should be able to buy some very unique but wonderful snack foods wholesale. Plan to spend a lot of hours putting them together. You'll find that 100 baskets is a lot of baskets. Good luck.

Joyce Reid
Reply:Hmmm... Some nice wine and a few alcoholoc beverages - why not some coconut arrack ? Then some food items - like cheese, Chocolates, good biscuits etc.
Reply:a basket with tupperware and little knick knacks in it as well as snacks, fruit, nuts and chocolate.

dream theater

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